Mirela Athanas

The Autumn Rose

A yellow rose silently bloomed,
One morning, in the cold of Autumn,
Unending rain had cast a gloom
on bare branches, already forgotten,
their colorful leaves, fallen and doomed,
blown by tempestuous winds, in air are floating;

But, there, in that mystique November day,
the startling yellow rose stands tall,
She is so fresh, strong and full of grace,
elegant petals, crystallized in gliding raindrops,
No wind can bare her sprout, her soul
standing there, her beauty, beautifies more;
even more beautiful than her time in Spring,
when she first blossomed, and Skies adorned;
Her petals danced for long with the wind,
yet, were never blown away and never dropped,
Although, in every second, it almost seemed
as if...like leaves, they all could fall,
She kept her petals untouched and gleamed.

What strength to be taken from this rose!
Her striking resemblance with me and you, her poise,
Her grace, akin to Human\'s best, Heaven bestowed;
We stand and bloom, in rain, winter and cold,
We keep our petals deep, deep in our soul,
our souls are roses, whose petals never fall,
They blossom, wide open,
in Winter,
And forever, eternally, as this Autumn rose
day, and day after day, our souls beautify more.

November 11,2015