O.G. Tone

THE .. WICKED .. IN$IDE .. You !!!!!

Sensitivity is such an unattractive

Quality in all Man

Why do we smile with envy

As we verbally destroy our enemies

From within our mind

Sleep only comes to those that have been

Weekend by time intervals

A brilliant mind can never replace

A hole in the World bleeding with Rattle Snakes

You can only fake a death once

Before dying at child birth

You can never sew a new baby\'s heart together

Like a button on a shirt

Crying with hurt in pain

Maybe you can appreciate an asshole

That looks in smell like a rainbow after it has rained

For forty hours pain last for hours


Except you got heart

Destiny runs you fall apart

Always laugh at anything that coast you nothing

Free is not forever though

Why do we keep on wondering what comes next

After every heavy rain

The Sunshine will always still your breath away from you

You will never ever see beauty like this again

It takes a life time to live

After that all living things will die

That\'s the Wicked inside you