Tune: Gonfalon Royal
(\'The royal banners forward go\')
The King marches in royal state
His powers they be ever great
He Lord of Lords and King of Kings
Worthy, heaven, earth, to Him sings
For He has gained the victory
O\'er sin and death for you and me
Fulfilling all the Father\'s plan
He e\'er the perfect Son of Man
O come, Him your allegiance give
Through sins forgiven you shall live
In Jesus, who did live and die
And rose again, He ever nigh
O endless procession we see
The King of Glory sure it be
The Father, Son, Holy Spirit
Come give them worship as is fit
Omnipotent, all power He
Does have, and evermore shall be
Omniscient, all-knowing oo
Nothing is e\'er outside His view
Omnipresent, in all places
By His Spirit, there no traces
Of anywhere that He is not
Yet to us this a happy lot