
Sanctuary Mulch

A man with a green thumb

Prepared his garden in the spring

After a winter that was hard and cold;

What would this summer bring?

His rich palatial garden

Had always lured the neighbors passing

This year would be much better,

The lush and verdure were surpassing…

Any garden he had worked before…

This year he had invested

More time and legal tender…

His reputation was being tested


He’d done the planting and the pruning

But at the end he was the wiser

He’d not yet done the weeding

And his plot lacked fertilizer

A friend, a Japanese man

Had a garden overflowing

With budding bushes, plants and trees-

His garden always glowing

The first’s garden was enormous

So he asked his friend’s assistance    

To prepare the ground and water, spade,

And feed at his insistence


An old sanctuary down the road

Had extra mulch and fertilizer

The man said to his assistant:

“Go down the road and get some mulch”

The old Japanese man said

“What, what you say? Don’t hear good”

The man yelled again…

“Sanctuary mulch! Sanctuary mulch!”

The Japanese man with troubled face looked at him

Then said: “Ah-You’re welcome, you’re welcome!”


c aaron