
The Light Of Life

Tune: Newcastle

(\'Eternal Light! Eternal Light!\')


Light Uncreated, shine on me

My inmost part you see

And dare a mortal ask for light?

We who were sinners in your sight

Now know redemption bright


The light of actuality

Man cannot bear to see

It in its full intensity

But glimpses shown by your grace free

Are shown e\'en unto me


You whole and holy, pure always

Through everlasting days

Await a while, we meditate

On you Lord, Almighty and great

Knowing each human\'s state


God, no beginning and no end

Your Son you did Him send

To be our Saviour, take our place

Die, rise again for every race

Your love, mercies we trace


E\'er high above, yet to us near

Your grace does here appear

Help us more of your will to know

And so to in Christ\'s image grow

His words and actions show


So in light unapproachable

You dwell, though do us call

Father revealed in Christ your Son

And with the Holy Spirit one

Comparable to none