The Swarthy Bard

A Vignette of Nature




A flower breaks out afresh from its swollen,
green bud and then stretches skyward into

the sun-infused sky. A feature of nature that\'s
timeless and perennial, it faithfully blooms and


adorns its surroundings like its predecessors.
Never alone, it is joined by its floral neighbors


of its own kind in fragrant numbers, suffusing
the atmosphere all around with a heavy, yet

sweet stench of lavender and honeysuckle. The
thick odor seduces and entices the flower-


borne bees, hornets, and yellow-jackets nearby
into a steady rhythm and pulse of continuous

labor over the pollen-rich blossoms and perfumed,
colorfully-tinted petals. From an adjacent pond

the over-abundant and unsubtle beauty of the
lily-of-the-valleys add its distinctiveness to

the already lush and vibrant, floral landscape;—
now teeming with the life and vigor of spring


in richly full and fulsome bloom and blossom.