Aa Harvey

I am to blame

I am to blame.



I am to blame for all I have done.

I cannot blame you for the fallen sun.

The rain is not dependent on your independence.

I am to blame for you being gone.



I am to blame for never thinking of you enough.

I am to blame for never loving you truly.

I am to blame; I should have been good.

I am to blame;

You can see right through me.



I have worn a mask to disguise my reflection in the mirror.

It is time to remove the mask;

It is time to see clearer.

The man in the mirror is not a ghost, he is me.

I am to blame for everything.



I am to blame for never changing,

Into what you needed me to be.

I am to blame for you leaving.

I am to blame.

I have to see.

I can no longer blame you,

Because you chose to leave me.



(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.