
Multitude Myriads

Tune: Lancashire

(\'The day of resurrection\')

Revelation 7 v.9-17


Great multitudes before the throne

They God as Lord do own

Clothed in white robes and palms waving

To Him they ever sing

Loudly proclaim, \'Salvation

To all, to each nation

Comes from our God, he sits upon

The throne, the reigning One\'


And Christ the Lamb shares victory

He the Son of God, see

All angels, elders, beasts around

The throne fall down, the sound

\'Tis of their worship given

To Him in highest heaven

\'Amen, Blessing, wisdom, glory

Honour, thanks, power be\'


They praise the Lord Almighty

For e\'er and e\'er freely

They be those who through troubles came

And worship still His name

Their robes they have washed in the blood

Of Christ, a cleansing flood

It stains not, but make white and pure

Removes sin evermore


Happy they be, God\'s throne is there

Eternal joys they share

And day and night in His temple

They serve Him, one and all

No more hunger, nor thirst, nor pain

For \'tis where He does reign

Christ the Lamb He shall lead and feed

Them with fine food indeed


Shall lead then unto living founts

Good lands, valleys and mounts

Founts of waters to quench their thirst

Shall sprign forth and outburst

The Lord God ever with them is

Their state contentment, bliss

He shall wipe tears from every eye

With Him they never die