
The Sons of the Father.

The trees are filled with mist, 


Dad on the deck, legs crossed, leans to give Mom a kiss,


He winks at me, I see the hole,


I know he wont tell, he\'s already told,


The truth for Dad and me, Yet it makes no sense, still so tense,


Son, its you and me, understand what I mean?


He had the first grave here,


Now as I look down, Im consumed by so many tears,


I do now Dad, we were one and you loved me,


50 years since that day,


I try forever to make it stay,


Your smile, touch, class, your way,


Dad I adored you, I still do,


It was an honor to be your son,


You were right, we will never be done,


Thank you for stopping me years later, when I thought it was the last time for the sun,


A life doing the best I could, as a father and your son,


Knowing we were one.....He\'s a man now,


You\'d be so proud,


The fragments of all 3 men\'s lives, rolled into one,


Generations of despair and love, now bound,


Imagine when we all come home, God will say, look at these men,


I\'ve watched you all as you\'ve lived, if damaged I was there to tend,


Ready to go?


Yes Jesus, Thank you, Amen.