

Loose in the thoughts
Feeling like dejà vue
Unsatified with what I got
What am I in this plot

It\'s all over again
Seeing it like before
Like it all happened again
Through everything it\'s all there

Its simple right
To find something
That sparks a fire
That starts the engine in your mind

But its a block
No stepping stone
I stand here waiting
Waiting for something new

Curious the excitement
It\'s lost to the creation
Or has fallen to my own destruction
Stuck in limbo

Unable to make a move
Satisfactory will always be
The unsatisfied being
Lost to a day

Stuck with every foot step
I\'ll never know what happened
Forgotten what it was like
The feeling it\'s there

I shall wait another day
Finding it digging deeper
Looking higher
Sitting through every cigarette

Lost in the smoke
Staring at the trees
Feeling like the wind
Watching the clouds
I\'m fine you know waiting