
You sprayed my perfume on your door

To kill a spider


She washed that pillow

The one that was worn with my old sleep

And colourful dreams


He recorded over Eleanor Rigby

Over my pride


He trampled on my home

Rejected my sky


And I hate when I get so earnest like this

Because that’s not what this is about

That’s not the me I miss


But it hurts me a lot more than it should

I can’t help it and I’m sorry

For being a bit dramatic


I try to be chill

I’m trying to be chill

Cause shit you don’t know

That when I smell that perfume

I think of those old happy days

When I’d wear more of it

With my pink shirt

It was pink too

And only I knew 

It smells like radiator

Common room

English library

Me loving you

I wore it to that exam

Hair up

Hands shaking

I cried after

Because that’s when I learnt that life’s not fair

And I’m still learning that now

Now I walk past your door

And the meaning of that smell might change

I won’t let it

But it all takes effort

To stop everything being blown away

Cause time’s a hurricane


I dream about her

And that time and that place

They’re my favourite dreams

they are

But sometimes I get scared that they’ll change

That they’ll blur my memories

And I’ll lose it again


You just don’t know

It’s not your fault

It’s our world

So nobody does


But I’ve never felt fragility like this

And if I lose it again


That’s it