Fay Slimm.





Is it love or obsession
which takes an affair into the realms
of unconventional ?

Steamy with untellable
dreams sensual secrets may achieve 
extra dimensions.

By tossing objections
into ether\'s vast furnace as it heats
to melting
and destroys any sense may we then 
name it obsession ?

Or would real love
yield to the inaudible call of sexually 
high-charged atmospheres ?

Could it stay sane
yet intoxicated if sipping allure from 
the veins of surreal ?


When a sensation
races to sample stimulation again and
is hypnotically drawn
to lust\'s famous narcotic is that which
remains just frustration ?

Is it merely obsession
or could love be labelled unanswerable
and bliss masquerading ?


Is this I have phrased 
quite understandable, or shall I write 
it a clearer way ?