Fay Slimm.




Re-Writing Rhymes.


The owl and the pussy cat went to sea
In a battered green leaky canoe.

They took some putty

and plenty of honey
But could not stop the gap without glue.    

The owl looked up to the stars above
And he whined to an un-tuned guitar.

\"Stop that loud croaking

and watch your boating\"
\"This,\" said Pussy \"is going too far.\"

Pussy looked at the owl and thought
Useless at wooing his awful whistle,  

Him I\'ll not marry 

nor will I tarry.
Can\'t wait to get off this sinking ship.   

They rowed away for the rest of the day
But though bailing the gaping hole grew

Until there in the water

they found a short note
Which read \"Are you going down too ?\"

\"Shall we\" said Owl \"chance it and jump\"
Cried the trembling Puss \"Oh we will\"

So they fell overboard,

and struggled to shore
Only to get the boat owner\'s huge bill.

They dined on air to pay for the fare
On pleasure cruiser for one more fling.

Pussy said to Owlet

\"This time woo better
And for pity\'s sake don\'t start to sing !!