
His Love.

My infirmities seem so sure,


Even though I have fought to be pure,


In this recurring life that flows like a very long tour,


Of a series of never ending opened doors,


Showing me on the other side versions of who I might be, I never dared to cross that moor ,


 Yet desperately trying to cross to the one of truth that I seem to be forever barred,


Sad that it was already there,


No need to always lay my soul bare,


He was always standing there, as I was awash in sin,


Calling me over and over to come in...




No matter the age, or daring to understand my intelligence,


He smiled and warmed me in my innocence,


His soft words tell me, I was never anywhere but here,


As I am healed by His grace, He absorbs my tears,


Who was that young man so full of fear?


 A child of God that was forever near,


The Prince of Peace that touch my heart and I was forever seared,


By His Love...