Kurt Philip Behm

The Proffer (+4)

Religions survive

  through subjugation


Without it,

  they are lost


Wielding guilt as a weapon,

  they proffer salvation


Enlightenment and freedom

  —their cost



 (Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: May, 2019)



To Never Explain


Within every verse,

  many meanings reside


The reader determines

  in which couplet you hide


The words both descriptive

  with colors aglow


The eyes as important

  as what the ears know


When backed in a corner,

  don’t ever explain


Words beckon discovery,

  refusing one name


The same reader may leave

  with a differing view


Each time he goes over

  and finds something new


A question once opened

  can never be closed


And verse penned inherent

   forever to know


With time of no consequence,

  your poetry waits


For the next searching pilgrim

  —your words to relate


(Rosemont Pennsylvania: May, 2019)




In Charge Of The Night


Being close to the right thing

Is farther from the right thing

Than the wrong thing is from

Being right


To see and not believe

To look and not touch

Much better to be blind

 —and in charge of the night


(Villanova Pennsylvania: May, 2019)



One\'s Own Breath


The joy in the writing,

  all reading to construe


Spoken loud with one’s own breath

  —a vanity so true


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)




Wishes Still To Pray


Are they waiting for me patient,

 as I’m caught up in the game


Are they counting down the moments,

 till I breathe my last refrain


Do they wonder why I dawdle,

 with an opening so wide


Do excuses stoop to waddle,

 as my tardiness contrives


Is that light beyond my tunnel,

 to burn forever long


Is the torch that lights my funeral,

 one to mark and count upon


What now keeps me in this moment,

 as new paths have cleared away


Is it something that I haven’t said

 —or wishes still to pray


(Villanova Pennsylvania: September, 2016)