Poetic Dan

Not my normal writing but neither is life

Yesterday a huge pattern of my broke, speaking through tears that wanted to choke.


Before helping a friend say goodbye by to her child she only held for a minute, I gave all my mind, body and soul into a poem.


Moments after writing on paper boat, I got a message saying I had won a prize from InfusedLights.com.


With the most heavy of hearts I had a smile on my face, gathered by the sea to commiserate.


We walked on a small wall that was a few feet out at sea, after lightning all our love in candles and incense.


I knew that every part of me wanted to read it out loud, knowing that I was there to give and show strength.


My voice began to shake and I could feel the rock, I began to breath in a way that was not there before. Tears came, I didn\'t care my words needed to hit the atmosphere, it stopped and stuttered but each one mattered


After releasing this and my energy, with the power of this amazing mother grieving and still shining next to me. I felt a rush....


A shooting star I saw that night
Next day a new giving sunlight
Then a live birth in the afternoon
Now I\'m writing to share it with you


Even caught it on camera too!