dusk arising

Limericus Unholy



whilst chanting a psalm 47
and visions of angels in heaven
she suddenly detected
the vicar erected
and counted off inches eleven

whilst gathered around the coffin
each noticed a groaning from within
they lifted the lid
to find jack and jill hid
they\'d chosen the cask to \'get off\' in

not wanting to be outdone
the choirboy showed the archbishop his bum
the bishop found he was tighter
poor little blighter
\'suffer the little children to come\'

she offered some cake to the priest
he attacked it as it were feast
but with ingredients she\'d sinned
for it gave him such wind
and his farting still hasn\'t quite ceased

whilst drinking communion wine
his vision became unaligned
for there on the cross
was the bishop, his boss
giving one-and-all a V sign