Michael Edwards







I support a small local charity

and each year I help at its annual bazaar.

The proceeds go to an African village

where it places roofs over children’s heads

and provides them with free schooling

and a foundation for their future.


At the end of this year’s bazaar

all the rubbish was collected together

and sitting there among the debris

was a small concrete object

covered in mud and moss and lichen.

No one wanted it or knew what it was.


Being curious I took it home

and some weeks later when cleaning the patio

I aimed the jet washer at it.

Soon a smooth oval top emerged:

the top of a mushroom - and underneath

there was a small door with a sign above  it.



The sign declared the name of the occupant:

Gnome Enid,

and as I carried on washing the dirt away

a window appeared

and  there peering out,

was Gnome Enid smiling back at me.



It’s only a small concrete object

and perhaps it’s a bit tacky

but I’m pleased I saved it from the skip.

I always say hello to Enid when I pass by

and it pleases me to think that her home

is now secure in the garden.



Every day I see Gnome Enid’s face

looking out contentedly

and I’m reminded of the charity

which provides shelter and hope

for those young children

far away in Africa.