
Work Again?

I look out the window

Down onto the street

I saw her

Saw this lady walking

Walking to work

Then a car drove by

Somebody else

Off to work


The thought came to me

That I used to do that

Used to get up and go to work

A feeling of nostalgia came over me

Of times when working was my life

Those times of meeting colleagues

We could have a laugh

But the work came first

All helped each other

As problems occurred

Times of camaraderie

And respect for each other.


Now as I think

And watch people go to work

Would I go back to work

The answer came

No I would not

Retirement is treating me well

Being able to do what I want to do

And do it when I want to do it

This freedom is priceless


Thinking of work is nostalgic

Being retired is so much better