Poetic Dan

A dog whisper not many know

I\'m a dog whisper that not many know
Writing poetically to lighten my load


I\'m known for being very cheap
Love burning out my cheeks


Learning everything
Our lives have to teach


Living by many quotes
One resonates the most


\"The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose is to give it away.\"

As Pablo Picasso would say.


I never knew all the things in my life I manifested, until ten years ago I envisioned my ability to understand dogs. So strongly to the point I could not tell what reality I was in, to then feel a passion as if I had already been, everything I needed to be.


Playing with my mind, it\'s easy to think of all sorts of things but not every thought comes with an actual reality.


I think I now understand that the clearer and deeper the picture, the more likely I am to give it everything that I have in and never look back.


Last night was another of many realities I got myself sucked into, although this one has not been fully there for a while. This time I couldn\'t wait to come back and actually do it.


From the very beginning and I have seen a dog rescue & rehabilitation centre, I know I can help any dog out there, I am just restricted by my environment. With passion and drive I started Absolom\'s Way, 7 years later connect with a lady and now created Dana\'s Way. (Thank you Ana)


In this latest \"dream\" I did something I find hard to do, ask for help! Always thinking of others suffering and working their way up, so should I, this somehow shows that I care. (I got told by someone, I was wrong) Asking for crowd funding is not a hand out, but a hand up.


I\'ve written enough now and help many dogs, my confidence is wanting to expand more.


Step by step, nothing worth building was ever built in a day
Slow and steady, I think I\'m now ready for the next stage.


For even if you don\'t live with one of these wonderful creatures, the world could do with understanding their behaviour, as from my own experience, it can be your inner reflection of a saviour.


The year 2020 a crowd funding will start, looking for land I can practice my art. To show all dogs and people can be misunderstood, in the right environment with guidance all can return to balance and harmony.


Thank you to so many that put their trust in me, I hope one day you\'ll all see together we achieve many dreams.