
Faith Obeys The Word - James Series(1)

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

James 1 v.19-27 part


Faith, it obeys God\'s Word

It does what it has heard

Not merely hearing, but doing

Practical in each thing


Let us be swift to hear

Slow path of anger steer

And slow to speak, but listen more

Unto God\'s word for sure


Lay aside wickedness

The Lord will not it bless

And receive the word engrafted

Meekly in you planted


Show true religion, see

For in these things it be

To care for widows, fatherless

Widowers, motherless


And keep self unspotted

From the world, what is said

And done in its culture, for we

Of God\'s kingdom we be