kevin browne

A Silenced whisper Of An Old Chinese Doll.


A silenced whisper of an old Chinese doll
Held close by a child whose growing bold.
Buddha sits at the end of her bed praying
For ways to enable her to keep on living.

Imagination she sees visions of a nurse.
Days of the devil turn better or for worse.
For, she, a lonely child was heard crying
Tremors of demise enter a beauty dying.

Great rivers flow through her veins slow
She was left alone, had nowhere to go.
Enchanting it is to see such a brave girl
Lying in bed, she woke giving it a whirl.

Cancerous infections within her brain
The same routine with nothing to gain.
As chemotherapy is now ready to start
Fair her well in a theatre of her own heart.

The sickening vomit begins to bubble up
And, cold as ice takes a breath too much
Unconscious degrees of fighting it back
Spreads deeper each day, it will attack.

Not 12, not even 10 and not even eight
Only three and now maybe it\'s too late.
As the theatre doors are open to reveal
A sign of life, a hope that God can heal.

She\'s laying there beside her old doll
Back in bed, time slows, life takes a toll
On a humorous note to smile and gloat
Next year she\'ll sail the seas on her boat.

With hot air balloons and she\'ll fly away
To spend in hospital for one last day.
Hair comes back to have a brush done
And, hungry eyes are looking at some

Mothers in tears, fathers and their fears
Love and to help her in the coming years
she raised her hand to hold a teddy bear
And, ask the nursery what she can wear.

A life is saved, a life is taken each day
To remember not to throw any life away
Precious is us humans who still help out
Buddha sits at the end without any doubt.