
They Never Left

So many meadows, so many graves,


Abject despair, consumed by a Smokey haze,


Prolonged sadness, coming from the other side,


Thinking, why is there nowhere to hide?


Yet filters of life so often lie,


Seen through veils,


Of darkness and light...



Shafts piercing the uncertainty of the incoming tide...remembering,


Before he died, he told me to please try,


I did, and saw on the other side...the meadow,


Now the graves in a furrow, with much less sorrow, 


He said son, lay down...I rested my tired eyes in the lap of my father,


who held my head softly like a pillow,


and just for a moment, when I opened my eyes,


I saw my sister and him,


Go to the light, they said, 


Not with us, you still have so much life,


When the darkness appears, know we are near,


Think of when you sat between us,


You were our prince, and forever you have nothing to fear,


Follow the light always, we are within...