
Ascension Alightings

Tune: Llanfair

(\'Hail the day that sees Him rise\')

Acts 1 v.5-11


John did baptise with water - Alleluia!

Christ said disciples for sure - Alleluia!

Would be baptised in few days - Alleluia!

With the Spirit, praises raise - Alleluia!


Earthly kingdoms they all be - Alleluia!

In God the Father\'s hands, see - Alleluia!

Under His authority - Alleluia!

When and what He says shall be - Alleluia!


Disciples they would receive - Alleluia!

Power, and all who believe - Alleluia!

When the Holy Spirit comes - Alleluia!

Upon all them, not just some - Alleluia!


They shall be His witnesses - Alleluia!

Share the gospel, people bless - Alleluia!

Even to earth\'s farthest shore - Alleluia!

Salvation proclaimed e\'ermore - Alleluia!


They beheld, Christ was taken - Alleluia!

To heaven, though forsaken - Alleluia!

Were they not, the Spirit\'s power - Alleluia!

Would come, stay with them each hour - Alleluia!


Cloud receives Him from their sight - Alleluia!

Defies gravity, but right - Alleluia!

For death He has conquered sure - Alleluia!

He e\'er lives now, dies no more - Alleluia!


Two men unto them appeared - Alleluia!

In white, unto them they neared - Alleluia!

Said, Why stand you gazing? learn - Alleluia!

In clouds too Christ shall return - Alleluia!