
All-Seeing Saviour

Tune: Lobe Den Herren

(\'Praise to the Lord, the Almighty...\')

Psalm 33 v.12 - 22


Blessed is the nation whose

God is the LORD, He did them choose

And blessed are the people

Whom He has chosen, e\'en them all

They shall sure be

His inheritance thus, see

Come praise Him now, open and free


The LORD looks from heaven

He beholds all mankind, all men

From the place where He dwells

His habitation through skies veil

He looks upon

Daughters and sons here, each one

Fashions their hearts alike, \'tis done


All our works and our ways

he considers throughout all days

No king saved by a host

On earth, though this may be their boast

And the mighty

Not delivered by strength, see

But by the LORD\'s help rescued be


Behold, eye of the LORD

Is upon them that fear His word

And who do stand in awe

Of Him, and hop in mercy sure

He will come, save

Deliver, the way will pave

In times of famine them food gave


For He will keep them such

When disasters may befall much

Our soul for the LORD waits

Not left are we to earthly fates

He out help, shield

We Him our allegiance yield

Rejoicing in mercy revealed