
Ice Cold Water Equals Ultimate Thirst Quencher...

Ice Cold Water Equals Ultimate Thirst Quencher...

Especially experiencing onset dehydration,

this opinion shared by former consumer,

he quaffed truckloads sugary and sports drinks

found mine once sculpted baby boomer body

undergoing gender reorientation, particularly

nondescript breasts incrementally found

busting (rivaling playboy bunny chest)

necessitated this garden variety

NON GMO gluten free husband

\"papa,\" an endearment

addressed by the missus

puzzled when her

brassieres went missing

loathe to believe what sounded

like cock and bull story

embarrassed, yet finally

relented into pestiferous

inquisitiveness hen pecking wife,

she stood agape, after I dare bare

unclothed upper torso revealed

floppy, limp biscuit sagging

sorry excuse for bosom

hence necessitating yours truly

to resort as partial crossdresser,

yet never foreseeing

anatomical morphology transforming

(analogous to mushroom popping up

following bucketloads of rain)

thus went cold turkey,

(as attested by this gobbledygook)

to swear off high caloric non nutritious

popular beverages

(generating bajillions dollars),

and additionally

forced non chipper infowar

i.e. internal three ring circuits

uncivil insurrection

(less than seven years ago)

as weeks elapsed months

(this unplanned resolution

dated early two thousand nineteen),

discarded over the shoulder boulder holder

in tandem with exercise

few times per week

plying twenty pound dumbbells

a pronounced reduction

saved me big bucks

undergoing cosmetic surgery!