
Plain Persevering

Tune: Dix

(\'As with gladness men of old\')

Philippians 3 v.12-16


Onwards, so that we may know

More of Christ, in His life grow

Not that we have yet attained

To perfection, not yet gained

But as wise men road pursued

On \'\'til they the Saviour viewed


Follow on, to apprehend

Lay hold on Christ, grace us send

Lord, to go on in your way

Knowing more of you each day

We lay hold on you, for you

Have laid hold on us, \'tis true


Not yet arrived, but one thing

We do, and still praise and sing

Forgetting what is behind

Not distracted, heart and mind

Reaching to those things before

Growing in Christ holy, pure


Pressing on towards the goal

\'Tis the prize for yearning souls

The high calling of God, see

In Christ Jesus His Son be

So maturely moving on

Following where Christ has gone


Where we have reached, God will show

And we more of Christ shall know

We His people, His children

He will guide us even when

We may slip or fall, still He

Our guide sure through life shall be