Tune: Serenity
(\'Immortal love, for ever full\')
Romans 3 v.25
God has set forth for us Jesus
His Son, to be to us
A sacrifice of atonement
Unto the penitent
An offering, propitiation
Given for each nation
Hilastrion, He turns away
God\'s wrath, our saving day
This day here now of salvation
Christ gave self, he the one
Holy and pure, acceptable
Sinless one midst us all
\'Tis through faith in His blood, we may
Believing him, now say
Christ is my righteousness, and I
Find His sure mercies nigh
He will forgive, His death for me
Upon the cross I see
God forbears with me, He patient
Graciously Christ has sent
I worthy of God\'s judgement sure
But now for evermore
He has my sins on Jesus laid
The eternal price paid
Come now believing, Christ the way
Call on Him now and pray
For none He will e\'er turn away
Now is salvation\'s day