Fay Slimm.





Oh Lily, you really 
look ill,
since I saw you got
moved into
this dirty dry spot
you have 

lost lots of firmness.    

Your frilly white dress
is ever
so yellow and now your
poor head 

looks ready to topple. 

Lily you must not stop
wanting to
live, you need to show
stronger grit.
I know Lily this might  
sound silly
to you but your future
health risk

will be  killing me too.


I have given you salts
to bring back 
your lovely clear skin
and brought
you bits of nutrition
but Lily

you\'re quickly falling.

You look green round
the gills, 
and more sickly today,
Lily I know 
you have been through
the mill
so until I can find you
some good
wholesome place I will 
take you from  

here Lily to my home.      

You can no longer cope  
with arid 
neglect, so, come live
with me Lil.
and bloom for a while
in my little

pool, renewing I hope.


Poor Lily you ought          
not to be
found without feet in
clean ground
surrounded by water

which is

as sweet as it is pure.