Kurt Philip Behm

Yours Alone (+3)


  the power to choose


The physical burning,

  the spiritual hue


One leaves you ashen,

  the other alive


The choice begets freedom

  —yours alone to decide


(Dreamsleep- June, 2019)



The Pathway


Is there a direction to the universe,

  without the polar caps


The equator gone as space expands,

  looking forward—looking back


Does today become tomorrow,

  as tomorrow self destructs


Are the questions left by law unasked,

  when the answers run amuck


Can our thoughts be put in limbo,

  can our feelings lead the way


To what is known beyond the light,

  illusions cast away


And if just this moment matters,

  and the prophets all were right


The doorway back to who we are

   —in dreams we’ll dream tonight


(Haverford Pennsylvania: June, 2019)



Illusions Foray


What side can you judge infinity from,

  the front or then the back


If it’s never over, or never ends,

  how then can you protract


Can infinity stop and start again,

  would it be different or the same


Can judgment ever qualify,

  what it can’t even name


If generalizations are generally true,

  what can we really know


With the distance between our hopes and dreams,

  beyond what time can show


One step forward and one step back,

  micromanaging the present away


The ideas you profess, whose laws you tout,

   tethering emptiness—to illusions foray


(Dreamsleep: June, 2019)



Bleeding Freely


The wound bleeds free

 —that kills the angry heart


(Villanova Pennsylvania: October, 2016)


From My Novel \'Jumping Into The Darkness\'



By Others felt


Am I at all responsible,

  for what occurs outside myself


Is it at all defensible,

  to ignore those feelings dealt


Is my world then co-dependent,

  on what happens somewhere else


Are the answers free to self-sustain,

  or conjoined—by others felt


(Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania: June, 2019)