Poetic Dan


Nan your dementia is getting worse
You now forget to quench your thirst


I see everyone trying so hard
Mostly your granddaughter helping you cope


No one knowing your mind, not even yourself at anytime


At this moment the morphine has put you to sleep
For everyday is now closer to letting you keep it


Knowing that you will no longer suffer this unknowingly growth
As my heart sinks every minute with you unable to know


Life is definitely not a bed of roses, I\'m thanking you for all the memories you provided


I\'m now asking the universe to help guide you to the door.
As you\'ve slowly deteriorated over the years, but I know there is no answer to this, so I can only give you the tear on my cheek.


Thank you for the children you had, that then had me
You gave us much love that has never left me.