Tune: Judas Maccabaeus
(\'Thine be the glory\')
Acts 2 v.1-4 and v.16-21
See, Pentecost comes, now the waiting o\'er
The Spirit, He poured out on us evermore
For when the day (of Pentecost) came, they were gathered there
In one accord, purpose of mind they did share
Suddenly from heaven, sound of rushing wind
Mighty, powerful, God\'s promise no rescind - Chorus
It filled all the house, where they were seated
With cloven tongues of fire they were there greeted
It sat on each of them, and they all were filled
With the Spirit, spake tongues, human efforts stilled - Chorus
For the Spirit gave them gift of tongues true
Peter explained, This is that, even for you
Which the prophet Joel he spoke in days of old
Now revealed, God\'s people, having courage bold - Chorus
For Joel did say, In the last days shall be
The LORD says He will pour out His Spirit, see
Upon all flesh, there be prophecies, visions
Dreams too, for young, old, for daughters and for sons - Chorus
And on His servants the Spirit outpoured
They shall prophesy, and of Him be assured
Wonders in heaven above, and signs below
Blood, fire, vapour of smoke, they shall see and know - Chorus
The sun shall be turned into darkness, so
And the moon into blood, redness it shall show
Before the great and notable day does dawn
Day of the LORD\'s return, the eternal morn - Chorus
And it shall come to pass by His word true
That whosoever shall call on Him, e\'en you
Shall be saved, if you on His great name do call
Salvation, the Spirit, Pentecost for all! - Chorus