Fay Slimm.






She never prevaricated about what
she had screeved,
she seemed unhaffled on being reft.


But she was no rumbustious piece.
of ignorant gowk.
She knew all about making a gyle
and could skitter the quaking top
of virago-fresh brew like a matron.


Firkin or pottle she bottled the lot,
cocked a snoop at her unwashed
whinnock then set out for a quiet
turn on the high rock-ridden carn.


The moortop felt queachy as Bess
stumbled along but dinna get riled
hummin\' sea shantys all to herself.

Waverous this maid, skin-full and
somewhat unsteady had sampled
that slake all too well.

She byways roved \'til her smicket
got spottled.

A churlish young yokel spied that
girlie a-slocken
and yon stripling clod-hopped her
there on the heather then grassed,
one gormless lassie was weltered
when slathered.


Bess \'tho undone merrily trundled
her vagous way,
dosily dazed,
~ ~~
~~~~ ~~~
home again but well impregnated.

Haffled = Quibbled - - - Reft = Left destitiute
Gowk = Simpleton - - -- Skitter = Skim
Verago = Whirlpool - - - Queachy = Miry
Vagous = Erratic - - - - - Smicket = Smock