Poetic Dan

Sending it somewhere

My meaning in life has slowly changed but one thing remains very much the same. To live by what I feel!


My purpose was to live by every emotion and every word that I use.


Now I find myself at a place I didn\'t ask for but nevertheless I do enjoy what it asked for.


To see that I am way more than I thought, mother nature has always guided my thoughts.


Some don\'t like what I have to say or will have a belief that gets in our conversations way.


Although the truth I faced when confronting my own actions and beliefs, energy does not lie and I was not being mindful of it.


As soon as I accepted it was me and let go of shame or guilt, not only would the animals show me but most importantly my children would too.


I write this to keep my vibration up, for every day I still hear many reasons why people don\'t want to face what\'s up.


The only real reason I struggle to know all of yours, is deep down I\'m still nervous of living by mine. So I keep making reasons why I haven\'t faced it or done more.


Slowly I become more confident and able to not get emotionally triggered, when I feel a need in justifying my opinions.


I know the reason for my existence, when you find what you\'re good at and make the unbelievable, achievable.


I don\'t do this for the money but sadly it is needed, turning lives around is such a rewarding feeling. The pride that I am given is worth more than gold, if only I could truly use all that to create the place from my mind.


It does feel impossible as I manifest possible, if only I\'d stop waiting for someone to do it for me.


After writing this all down I listened to an album or two had a good cry, my head is filled with information going nowhere.


Now I\'m sharing to send it somewhere