
Incorrigible Recalcitrant - Doppelganger (mine)

Ala Goofus and Gallant 

highlights my diametrically

divergent alter egos

always the reserved

obedient docile boy

afeared to stray outside narrow

circumscribed comfort zone

figuratively tethered

extremely short leash

choked me like yoked oxen,

albeit non red dually bullish

under bated breath

otherwise submissive

internalizing fury and rage

relentlessly lambasted

daily school bus ride

analogous highway to hell,

thus envisioned monstrous physique

linkedin to superpowers...


whereby giant beastie boy

within scrawny nerd

visiting jocular comeuppance

bopping \"jocks\" on their beanies

with rotten tangerines

(Tom Lehrer would be proud)

knocking senseless nasty brutes

gleefully pummeling rapscallions

casually, heroically avenging

purging immediate threat

while smugly jauntily

relishing carefree blessed awesome

fistpumping air joyous ride

duplicating bad ass daring

do dexterously doubling

(wishful) dream come true

one prior pipsqueak - yours truly

punishing pestiferous classmates,

who sadistically doled

out daily dose,

non USDA approved

cavalier fierce injustice

taken aback when mine knuckles

compress hoodlums opprobrious

wicked yakking (actually silenced)

fountainhead spewing toxins

exuberantly effusively ebulliently

cleaning principle ringleader\'s clocks

at long last

traumatizing measure for measure

antagonistic arch nemesis

inflicting insufferable torment

once passively quaffed ruffians threats,

now all\'s well that ends well,

no matter yours truly expelled

forever pleasantly humming

merrily merrily, merrily,

merrily, imagined life

tis but a dream.