Thomas J. Dooley



In this cycle of life, I look to see a land

Where peace, love, and purity was created by Gods hands

The smell of tamarind, incense and many other things fill the air

I don’t care just happy to be here


The bull goes were ever, the dog sleeps in the middle of the street

Family of five balance on a motorcycle defying gravity

The blind *guru listens for the clink of a coin

*Aap ke lie gud karma, he would say


In this cycle of life, I hope to find me

This soul comes home to find it’s reality

To hear the words that bring life new meaning


At the doorway, two Laxmis wait for me

One waving her many hands to greet me

The other holding a plate *sabjiyaan and *chapatis

It is like a king’s feast after a long journey  


In this cycle of life, I return to a land

To the place where the deities stand

Under the trash and dusty street

Is mother India the origins of peace, love, and purity


In the cab’s front seat Ganesh sit on the dash looking at me

To make sure my travel is obstacle free

Up to the mountain on *Abu road a troop of *bandaron

Sit on the hood of the car waiting for their next meal


In the schoolyard

Children play *kho kho and *poshumpa

It makes me think of simpler days

I wish I was a child today


In this cycle of life, I see the images of India

India is my long lost family


©Copyright Thomas Dooley 2016