
Out of the Blue


Out of the Blue


It was not until

She placed

Her perfumed

Finger tips

Upon those

Very perfect lips

He drew lazy

Circles on

Last night

She ever

Realised that

Marriage kids

And roses

Round the door

Were no longer

On the menu

But were

Dreams she had

Since she was

Just a little girl

With freckles

Ankle socks

And lollipop\'s

Somewhere else

And once upon

A time

Whilst elsewhere

It did

Dawn on her

She had been oh

So very wrong

About so many

Other things besides

Thereafter though

To pardon him

Of all the blame

She had once cast

When anger burnt

Both brain and heart

She opened up

And cried

Moments such as this

She said

Might be all

We ever have

I know

Yet I would

Rather these

Than all the bruises

And the lies

So many men

Have given me

In days long past

I now choose freely

To forget

And willingly let go