
To Those Who Lead

Happy Father\'s Day

to all the men,

who are getting the job done.

A mother and her child are special,

but there is nothing like,

a father and daughter,

or a father and son.

They say mothers,

are underrrated.

I can\'t and would never,

take their credit away.

Still, you have to face it.

It\'s harder to find a father,

who shows his love,

each and everyday.

It takes alot to be a father.

It\'s more than just a man with kids.

You must mold them,

and teach them right in Christ,

so you may one day look back,

and see the accomplishment you did.

I know I am just an uncle.

Maybe I cannot talk.

Still, I know what it means,

to be a man,

and lead children in this Christian walk.