THIS really is a Spooky Tale ~ but I must recount it

In all its Spooky detail ere I start to doubt it !

Id driven to an obscure place ~ to survey Real Estate

My Firm had purchased recently ~ to build something great.

My car broke down ~ quite far from home ~ I had no PHONE

When suddenly behind the trees ~ I saw a Home from Home !

Old Fashioned House with covered porch ~ OK it seemed to me

That I might find a PHONE ~ a CAR ~ perhaps a Cup of Tea !

BUT when I entered ~ through the Door ~ I could hear no sound

Dirt & Neglect & Dust of Time lay thickly on the Ground !


I turned to go ~ when suddenly the whole scene was changed

Oil Lamps gleamed and the whole room had furniture arranged

My heart stood still ~ could this be true ~ or just a DEJA VU ?

A MAID appeared and asked me *SIR what canst I do for YOU ?*

I almost asked could I use the phone ~ but I had seen NONE

Or use their CAR but in that age there really wasn*t ONE !

Instead I asked *What Year is it* She answered *EIGHTEEN TEN*

*Could you please lend me a Horse ~ I*ll bring it back again !* 

Fortunately in my purse ~ there was a GOLDEN DOLLAR

I gave it her in exchange for the HORSE and his COLLAR !


I galloped off and reached my HOME several hours later

I told the story to my Wife who laughed like an ALLIGATOR ! 

When I awoke next Morning ~ I found this rather weird

The Horse Id ridden the night before ~ had gone and disappeared !

But I didn*t feel too bad ~ she had my Golden Dollar

Which in 1810 would be *GOOD PRICE* for an Old Nag and his Collar !

I took my Truck to fetch my Car ~ I also took my WIFE 

So she could see ~ when we got there ~ the House which served my Life !

When we got there ~ the house was bare ~ no answer to my HOLLAR

But on the floor ~ first thing I saw ~ was my GOLDEN DOLLAR !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN ~ 🧡🧡🧡


Have you ever had a DEJA VU ? An experience when you are

transported back in TIME ~ but not in SPACE. The HOUSE was

still there when I went back for my  CAR ~ but in 2010 not 1810 !