
What to wear

What should I wear to visit your heart?

Should I wear a silk dress, panthoses for a start?

If I wear a black suit,

I could appear to be smart.

Should I wear skinny jeans, white shirt and a hat?

Not wearing a puff dress. Could make me look fat.

Should I wear a Valentino, a red Dior or a Moschino?

Should I wear my new bikini 👙

to make sure I’m slim

maybe dressing to show of

I could make a knockoff.

If not to brainstorm

I could wear my uniform

the day before is tomorrow

better leave all my sorrow

Keeping always on my mind

I should dress to look kind

If is it to impress

I will buy new underwear.

Thinking better on the matter

not to try outsmart

leave all the clothes home

and be heart ❤️to heart.
