Nafis Light

A Personal Truth...In Regards to A Loved One

There is a smile that comes with meeting

and tears that comes with leaving;

An understanding that comes with a conversation

and closeness that comes with acceptance.


Well, a story of how it might have been

but the truth that could not be foreseen.


The meeting that came with a feeling of a connection;

Then the closeness that came along with the feeling of affection.


Affection for each other;

It grew with such wonder.


Long chats...

...long talks.


Unfortunately then, one is deeply devoted for the love,

Willing to sacrifice himself truly, especially knowing unquestionable truths;

Though the other, knowing that love...unwilling to return that devotion,

Then kept things in silence and hurting the other...starting a motion...

A cycle of hurt and mistakes and repeated pleas of forgiveness;

Knowing that nothing will ever change, he no longer be that selfless.


He left...abandoning the other without words or messages

believing that it is for the best...and his devotional love was probably nothing but a mess;

Still, he continues to pray or do good deeds on behalf of the other...that unforgettable person

because his love might never disappear, and so does his acts that might only bear something that will never be clear.



With Expression of Truth,
