
Lifelong discrimination as lowest man on totem pole

Born shackled with globe sized

yoked millstone around my neck

rivaling the world Atlas shrugged,

or outsize boulder Sisyphus

eternally obliged to toil uphill

steepest mountain side

in concert with

Battlestar Galactica pièce de résistance

ear splitting discordant cacophonous din.

Simultaneously analogous twin tower

of Old Faithful geyser

Googleplex times Mariana Trench

aqueous oceanic chasm amply housing

Rhode Island sized fountainhead

constantly spewed vitriol


out subterranean mouth

scalding yours truly

with deadly skull king poison

(parenthetically), metaphorically, hyperbolically

approximates, nee aforementioned

actually an understatement


how whit sir yours truly

psyche dashed, manhandled, whipsawed

post parturition mine birth

subjected to class sic

biochemical, environmental, neurological

pummeling, oft times the cudgel

inherent, latent, salient...

genetically scripted torment.

Case in point

constitutes psychosocial (mine)

extreme introvertedness,

painfully shy reticence

exiled within zapped

writhing, wrenching, wracking

emotional, physical, spiritual isolation

plaguing mein kampf,

a worse fate than death

experiencing brutal and

nasty schooling as outcast

never feeling linkedin among peers,

nor family of origin

particularly latter years

minimally functioning just squeaking

to advance from one grade to the next

hidebound by invisible manacles

weighted heavily with severe anxiety

debilitating, paralyzing, unrelenting

panic/ anxiety attacks.


Scattershot employment track record

poor credit rating

the bane of misery

bias, discrimination, prejudice

throughout hand to mouth existence

impacted two innocent grown progeny

the eldest unforgiving,

no matter this papa coped

with demands of child raising

the missus easily overwhelmed

deferred domestic duties

birthday party arranger,

chauffeur, cook, homework helper,

summer time planner,

medical appointment scheduler...