
Don\'t Let Go

Don\'t let go

I\'m too happy right now

Don\'t let go

I love you


Kat you\'re too young to die

Sissy don\'t leave me

Don\'t leave me broken

Unable to be fixed


Kat don\'t go

Please sister I need you

It\'s my fault he hit you

I shouldn\'t have taken you down the street

I knew it wasn\'t safe


It was were all the drunks stayed

The monster just laughed

At your mangled body

You cough blood as you tell me you love me

I had hoped they wouldn\'t be your last words


I was so wrong

What is hope now

I\'ve been crushed

I don\'t know happiness

I don\'t know joy



My sweet twin

That all went away along with your last breath

I felt your heart beat slow

I cried as it stopped


Your eyes became lifeless

The blood just pooled around us

I\'ve cut

I\'ve attempted suicide

I miss you

My scars show how ugly I truly am


I love to watch the blood glide down my wrist

It reminds me that I killed you

The look of pure agony on your face as you laid there waiting for death

It haunts me


DOn\'t let go