

21 years I walked this earth.

still I wonder what I am worth.

There has to be something I can do to prove myself. 

Failing at almost everything is not good for my mental health . 

I cant be a nothing forever there is more to this life it’s what I felt.

maybe wishful thinking 

to leave my phiscal state of self disappointment I started drinking. 

I stopped how ever it brought me back to my self lost and just here wishing I found my purpose.

i want something big something beyond our surphace. 

But im a loser what could I ever do 

I need a plan and I need to see it through.

there is something bigger out there for me 

there has to be

if we get wiser by age is life quanity over quality. 

There’s something bigger 

there’s something bigger...

there has  to be 

Other wise my life is nothing but a joke so much for destiny.