
Faith Produces Humility - James Series (6)

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on in majesty\')

James 4 v.1-12 part


Friendship with the world\'s ways it be

To make one God\'s enemy, see

For the two they cannot agree

But follow paths separately


Submit yourselves to God therefore

It will be true repentance sure

Resist the devil, and he will

Flee from you, not trouble you ill


Draw near to God, and He will draw

Near to you, His mercies implore

Cleanse your hands, sinners, what you do

Do for God in service anew


Purify your hearts, you who be

Double-minded, complexity

And be afflicted, mourn, and weep

Where you have been as grievous sheep


Turn from laughter unto mourning

Await a while to resume sing

And turn from joy to heaviness

Such contrite state the Lord will bless


For God gives grace to the humble

They do obey Him, hear His call

But He does the proud ones resist

Who from their sins do not resist


Humble yourself in the Lord\'s sight

He shall come to you, give you light

Shall lift you up, then joyful praise

You once again to Him shall raise