
Will I ever?

Will I ever
Blush before you
As you reach
And I rush
And I fall
Floor-wards for you

Yet will I ever
Unravel before you
As you touch
And I take
And I give
My all for you

Whisper will I ever
Taste your scent
As I ache
Deep into the distance 
And you wake
In empty bed

Tell me will I ever
Tremble and shake
As you lead me
So very far
Until I wake
Inside your head

So hear me as I plead into forever
Tell me now please will I ever
Or is this just the art of pain for pleasure
Catch me as I fall into never
Bite my lip until we bleed together
And please me like your best endeavour

And afterwards
Tell me will I ever
Will I ever
And take
Your pleasure
As you
Hold me
Tight and say it’s forever
And kiss
My messy head
And whisper to my blushing brow
‘Look what you just did’