





Serenity, how shall I recount thee


By the silent breeze, that kissed my cheek
By the gentle waves, that lapped my feet
By the song of birds, if you please
By the flowers fragrance, Opps! I sneezed

By the yawning, of the dawning day
By those white clouds, floating by
By the veiling, of the setting sun
By the full moons night, so cool and dry

By the rolling fields, of golden wheat
By the autumn colors, of the leaves
By the vibrancy, of the poppy fields
By the majesty, of the redwood trees

By the ballet, of thousands in flight
By the dance, of a mating call
By the honeycomb, the bees create
By the rippling waters, of a meandering stream

By the coral reef, rich in colorful wonder
By the Northern Lights, awe and splendor
By the million ways, nature presents itself
By the younglings, innocence still intact