
To My Mother, My Wondering Angel

You are the strongest, most beautiful woman I know.


Since birth you have been my first love.


You are my guardian angel in the flesh, but somewhere along the line your wings were clipped.

You fell. Hit the ground so hard you suffered amnesia and forgot about the woman you were before.

Now you\'re just a hallow shell.


The real you lost in a sea of self-doubt and drugs.


You are still the closest thing to perfection this world will know,

But I no longer see my mother when I look at you.


I hope one day you realize that I would give my life just to add time to yours.

When I look at you, I know God exist. 


You are more than this addiction.

You are more than this person you allow yourself to turn into.

You are more than this lifestyle you live,

And you are so much more than anything I will ever deserve.


No matter what you do or where you\'re at, my love will never cease for you.

You will always be superwoman to me.


I miss you.