
Truth Be Told

Tune: Wolvercote

(\'O Jesus I have promised\')


You are the Life, the Truth, the Way

And still are so today

Not man-made fables or fancies

But we do trust, agrees

Our heart and mind in your sure word

The Scriptures we have heard

And onward we shall go and still

Let none from us them steal


Spirit of truth, you lead us to

Confess Christ ever true

And bring to mind whate\'er He said

By you we still are fed

For they be words, they spiritual

And sure do feed us all

Who accept you as Lord, Saviour

You do confirm us sure


You shall not fail, nor leave us be

To search confusedly

But you will show us your path plain

Or bring to light again

Your truths, where we may be unsure

Yet your word faithful, pure

It shall uphold and firm  us keep

Us in your fold, your sheep