
Falling apart but holding the pieces

wait for it, work for it 

fight for it but would you go to war for it?

i seen a lot of tears some were my own 

not often I did cry but I burriried my pain deep and far beneath my bones.

There it wouldn’t bother me there is where I thought it would die.

little did I know my pain grew bigger it began to thrive and as ignored every emotion it started eating me alive.

now I’m growing older I’m far from home both sides of my divorced family are growing without me at a fast pace.

i been gone so long when I go back it’s like they can’t talk to me they can’t recognize my face.

just want to go back to our younger days instead of my life now full of hate. 

Talk about more than one can chew I still have like 6 different plates.

See I’m here wearing shoes I could never fill and if I could I would just be heading behind a face witch is not real. 

So many fucking voices in my head !I want to kill!

Im alone but if I had some one I would hold them back 

so I have to be there for myself and nothing wrong with that. 

Ececpt for the fact, like other people that  get sick of me I’m sick of me too except I’m stuck I  here.

im disappointed for my own needs 

my needs for happiness never are met maybe I confused boredom  with my own greeds.

to talk to people I listen and their egos feed.

i listeners for so long I forgot how to talk and I just want to scream!


help me stop time I need a pause I’m falling apart but I’m hear holding my own pieces.

In the end me is I’ll I ever will have.

shits hard but I’m trying 

to whom this may concern... fuck